Autumnus Città di Trento 10-20 October 2024
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Wild Milk

Emotion and taste on the paths of the inner wild
Friday 18 October
Buonconsiglio Castle Hall of the Marangonerie

Latte Selvatico is a different journey, an unexplored path that wants to accompany those who travel it to discover the world of the High Lands through emotions and taste: the precious grass of the pastures, the animals in motion and their shepherds, the living milk, the primordial fire under the cauldron, the rough hand of the cheesemaker and the unmistakable scent of the cheese on the maturing boards. Latte Selvatico is a journey of knowledge, of imagination, of approaching mountain cheese, guided step by step by one's senses, by the stories of places and people, by the search for new experiences or buried in each person's memory. Following the blades of grass or, better, those suspended and sometimes interrupted blades between the wild and the domesticated, between the mountain and man, between the past and the present. Latte Selvatico is a journey divided into stages: at each stage a story, a sensory experience, a cheese to taste, an emotion to take home. To nourish or perhaps reawaken that wild interior that still finds a way to express itself on high-altitude pastures and in grass-fed cheeses. Francesco and Giuliano, milk men, wild men, storytellers, lead the way along the route.

Edited by Francesco Gubert and GIuliano Comin

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Paid entrance
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Reservation required
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